AP Reclaimed Oíl Field is a product elaborated and developed to act as an agent for the assisted recovery of oil wells. This product is developed to perform activating these reservoirs, which still count with 30% oil crude or more. To obtain the lagging oil, a third stage of hydrocarbon exploitation is necessary, denominated assisted recovery, a process that is complex, but with this product made from polymers like associative water-soluble polyelectrolytes and surfactants as aromatic surfactants, the application is faster and cheaper than conventional. With the addition of AP Reclaimed Oil Field in the well tubular, it is possible to reduce the viscosity of the oil, improving its capacity to flow, while the productive walls and sedimentary layers are cleaned of trapped layers of oil that obstruct its fluidity, helping to release the oil trapped inside the reservoir.

ECO-FLASH is a powerful ecological combination of organic compounds, natural terpenic solvents and surfactants with exceptional properties to help release trapped oil inside the reservoir, introducing long chain molecules and polymers to increase the effectiveness of surfactants, which, together with the cleaning of the walls that curb the flow, help to decrease the surface tension that inhibits the flow of oil in the reservoir, this whole process coupled with the flow or water injection in the reservoir. ECO-FLASH is an effective terpenic solvent of citric origin that removes grease and debris found in the lining of the walls and productive area, descaling and eliminating the clogging or wall that prevents the oil from flowing. It does not contain toxic compounds (BTEX: benzene, toluene, xylenes and ethylbenzene) unlike other solvents that exist in the market.

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